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Performs a docker build, using a Dockerfile to build the application and tags the resulting image. By following the conventions no additional flags are needed, but the following flags are available:

Flag Description
--file,-f <path to Dockerfile> Used to override the default Dockerfile location (which is $PWD)
--no-login Disables login to docker registry (good for local testing)
--no-pull Disables pulling of remote images if they already exist (good for local testing)
--build-arg key=value Additional Docker build-arg
--platform value Specify target architecture architecture. should be a single string for example --platform linux/amd64
$ build --file docker/ --skip-login --build-arg AUTH_TOKEN=abc


The following build-arg are automatically made available:

Arg Value
CI_COMMIT The commit being built as exposed by CI
CI_BRANCH The branch being built as exposed by CI

they can be used in a Dockerfile like:

FROM ubuntu

RUN echo "Building $CI_BRANCH"

Export content from build

Buildtools build command support exporting content from the actual docker build process, see Custom build outputs. By specifying a special stage in the Dockerfile and name it export you can use the COPY directive to copy files from the build context to the local machine. The copied files will be placed in a folder exported


Consider a Dockerfile like this:

FROM debian as build
RUN echo "text to be copied to localhost" >> /testfile

# -- export stage
FROM scratch as export
# Copies the file /testfile from `build` stage to localhost
COPY --from=build  /testfile .

# -- resulting image stage
FROM scratch
# Do other stuff

Let's try it:

$ ls

$ cat Dockerfile
FROM debian as build
RUN echo "text to be copied to localhost" >> /testfile

# -- export stage
FROM scratch as export
# Copies the file /testfile from `build` stage to localhost
COPY --from=build  /testfile .

# -- resulting image stage
FROM scratch
# Do other stuff
$ build
... <build output>
$ ls
Dockerfile  exported

$ ls exported

$ cat exported/testfile
text to be copied to localhost